COFFEE-CARAMEL Oblique Calligraphy Supplies Pointed PenCOFFEE-CARAMEL Oblique Calligraphy Supplies Pointed PenCOFFEE-CARAMEL Oblique Calligraphy Supplies Pointed Pen


This original pen reminds me of a great cup of coffee with caramel creamer while stirring it with a cinnamon stick.

Each Oblique Calligraphy pen is unique and a one of a kind creation!
No duplicators, no two are alike. Heirloom quality for serious calligraphers.
Proper flange alignment with an ergonomic design and
an indentation for the index finger.

Decorative, balanced and sealed smooth, using a multi-stage finishing process,
for a perfect feel and weight, to enhance your calligraphy and writing skills.

Each as original as the calligrapher! 
Each pen comes with a Zebra G nib already inserted.  

Layaway Available!

The Pensmith Shoppe
1 in stock


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